Welcome to Volume I of your Stormwater Education Toolkit! The toolkit contains guidance materials, examples of model programs, and electronic versions of already designed educational materials developed to assist with Stormwater Education Program implementation.
This CD contains Adobe pdf files of many of the printed brochures, flyers, and pamphlets found in the Stormwater Education Toolkit Volume I: General Public. The educational resources are organized into sections by topic and are listed in the order that they appear printed in the toolkit binder. A list of the materials in each section with printing recommendations can be found in the introduction pdf document listed first in each section. Simply click on the publication that you want to print to download it for viewing or reproduction.
Funding for this program was made possible by a Section 319 Nonpoint
Source Management Program grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency through a contract with the Stormwater/Nonpoint Source Management
Section of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and
the Florida Community College Consortium for Pollution Prevention
Education and Midwest Research Institute – Florida Division
Special thanks to Del Suggs for allowing the use
of his "Saltwater Music" on the CD. The beginning of the
song entitled "A Hurricane's Coming" is used with permission
from Delma Carl Suggs and Cascades Recording Company. For more information,
go to www.saltwatermusic.com