Research Publications

Dr. Manoj Chopra with Theses and Dissertations

Chopra, Manoj B. and Dargush, Gary F. "Development of BEM for Thermoplasticity". Int. J. Solids Structures Vol. 31, No 12/13, pp. 1635-1656, 1994.[View File] (564 Kb)

Chopra, Manoj B. and Dargush, Gary F. "Boundary Element Analysis of Stresses in an Axisymmetric Soil Mass Undergoing Consolidation". International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 19, 195-218, 1995.[View File] (597 Kb)

Chopra, Manoj B. and Dargush, Gary F. "Dynamic response of embedded circular foundations using a poroelastic BEM". Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Yuan(ed.) 1997 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 904 1.[View File] (178 Kb)

Mulligan, Ann Marie. "Attainable Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete Paving Systems". Summer 2005.[View File] (3.33 MB)

Butler, Bruce, Chopra, Manoj B., Kassab, Alain. "Boundary Element Model for Stress Field - Electrochemical Dissolution Interactions".[View File] (76 Kb)

Chun, Li, Chopra, Manoj B., Dargush, Gary F. "Response of a Pile to Impinging Seismic Waves using a Poroelastic Boundary Element Method".[View File] (64 Kb)

Chopra , Manoj B., Negron, Carlos A. and Morgan, Kenneth. "Improved Shrinkage and Bulkage Factors for Cohesionless Soils".[View File] (158 Kb)

Divo, Eduardo, Chopra, Manoj B. and Dargush, Gary F. "A Generalized Boundary Element Method for Groundwater Flow in Orthotropic Heterogeneous Media".[View File] (207 Kb)


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